
Environmental planning

GIS and Remote Sensing in support of Environmental assessment

  • Strategic Environmental Evaluation of proposed mine, West Africa for Atkins
  • Environmental Study on Liberia for Atkins / AML
  • GIS database design and construction, data analysis and landcover classification for the Lake Albert oil field Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for Tullow Oil contracted through Atkins
  • GIS database design and construction, data analysis and landcover classification including identification of possible critical habitat for the Environmental Baseline Lake Albert oil field development for Tullow Oil contracted through AECOM
  • Landcover classification for the Environmental Baseline Lake Albert oil field development for CNOOC contracted through Golders Associates
  • GIS support for technical topics ecology, freshwater and land cover for the Lake Turkana Strategic Environmental Assessment for Tullow Oil contracted through RSK
  • Landcover classification for the Lake Turkana Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for Tullow Oil contracted through Golders Associates
  • Identification of priority areas for REDD+ intervention in Liberia for World Bank contracted through Ruth Golombok Ltd.
  • GolaMa project - fieldwork support including river and catchment modelling for developing strategies for responsible artisanal mining practices for RSBP contracted through Estelle Levin Ltd.

Digital mapping & GIS

Environmental information resources

Environmental reporting & research

  • Guidelines for aircraft operations near bird colonies
  • Pressures of science / logistics in the Ross Sea: chapter in Ross Sea Region 2001: A State of the Environment Report for the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica.
  • Polar marine ecosystems: present threats and future change

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Design & Construction: ERA
© Environmental Research & Assessment (ERA) Ltd.
Last Update: 5 July 2016