
Antarctic Protected Areas

The Antarctic Protected Areas Information Archive was originally developed by ERA for the Polar Regions Unit of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The Archive described the Antarctic Protected Areas system, provided site information, location maps, detailed management plans and maps, site photographs, and permit information. The Archive was quickly found to be very useful by the Antarctic Treaty Parties, and a request was made for it to be transferred to the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) (established under the Madrid Protocol) for long-term maintenance and enhancement. ERA was pleased to revise and expand the original Archive prior to transfer so that it reflected its new home with the CEP, where it is now located and maintained.

Antarctic Protected Areas Database

The original Archive has now been enhanced by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat to include features such as database search and web-GIS functions, and appropriately it has now been renamed as the Antarctic Protected Areas Database.

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Design & Construction: ERA
© Environmental Research & Assessment (ERA) Ltd.
Last Update: 23 October 2015